Just Kai’s cocoa guide has just been updated: click here to view the latest version online or here to download a pdf. This lists all the cocoa products we are aware of for sale in New Zealand that are reliably free of child and slave labour.

logos of Hamodava, Esthers, flying cup, Nesquick and Allens

New products include:

  • hot chocolate:
    • Hamodava Belgian hot chocolate (a brand of the Salvation Army)
    • Nesquick and Allens Fantales drinking chocolate (both of which are from Nestle and both of which have UTZ certification)
    • Flying cup Fairtrade hot drinking chocolate (available from office supply stores in 2kg bags - note that 5kg bags of hot chocolate from the same company are a different flavour and do not appear to be Fairtrade certfied )
  • Almond chocolate spread from Esthers
  • Allens lollies, which have UTZ certification for both their chocolatey flavours:

A few products have also been removed. Bennetto’s no longer seem to be doing their hot chocolate bars (although they’re still doing powder hot chocolate), and neither Scarborough Fair nor Wellington Chocolate Factory seem to do hot chocolate any more.
